Red Shiso – “when East meets West”

Pascal Devalkeneer, as of the start of his vegetable garden in 2015, has shown a keen interest in Shiso, also known as Japanese basil. Each year, in May, he sows Red Shiso, a recognized aromatic and medicinal plant. The plant seems particularly pleased in the plots of the Brussel’s garden but it is especially in the kitchen that the Shiso shines! Its flavor can be described as an association of cinnamon, pepper, anise, mint or even basil and lemon balm. The Chalet makes you discover its pleasant fragrance with, in particular, the marshmallow with Shiso served in mignardise or the wild sea bream, sauce Sofrito with Shiso.
As a bonus, Shiso is credited with therapeutic virtues against stress, anxiety and many allergies, even better thus!